How to Make Catnip Tea for Your Cat

Catnip tea might be the purr-fect way to relax your feline companion or encourage your couch cat to get a little exercise. While catnip's benefits for cats are still being studied, many cat owners believe it aids digestion and eases anxiety. It may even help make your kitty feel cooler on a hot day. Have you ever watched your cat go crazy over a catnip toy? Catnip, a member of the mint family, contains nepetalactone, a potent oil that triggers a euphoric response in around 60 percent of cats. Did you realize this kitty friendly herb makes a cat-tastic tea? Yes, it does! It's safe to use, and a great way to show your cat how much you care:

Reduces stress: Catnip can have a calming effect, especially when ingested, which makes this tea a big winner over just gifting your cat a catnip mouse. It can be particularly helpful for cats dealing with stressful situations like vet visits, thunderstorms, holiday visitors or moving to a new home.

Increases exercise: For some cats, catnip acts as a stimulant, encouraging them to be more active. This is a nice feature of catnip tea if your indoor cat as gotten a bit lazy over the years (no judgement). If your cat is a couch potato, a few sips of tea might get him up and moving, which can help reduce his risk of developing chronic ailments.

Improves mood: Overall, catnip can promote feelings of happiness and relaxation in cats, making them feel more content. If your cat is in a bad mood, yes it happens, a cup of tea might make him mellow enough to stop scratching the furniture -- or not.

Not all cats experience the effervescent effects of catnip. For those that do, though, moderation is a good idea. Over indulgence can lead to stomach upset. 

So, if you're curious about how your cat might like this way of enjoying catnip, brew a batch and see.

Catnip Tea for Cats

  • 2 tsp. Dried catnip
  • 8 oz. Boiling water
  1. Steep tea for 5 minutes.
  2. Strain 
  3. Cool completely.
  4. Serve
This is an occasional treat, and should not be offered daily. The recipe is enough for multiple servings, too. Catnip tea can be refrigerated for a couple of days.
For subsequent servings, remove from the refrigerator and bring up to room temperature.

I understand if you have concerns about using catnip in tea for kitty. Here is a list of frequently asked questions that might help you decided if making catnip tea for your cat is a good idea:

Is it safe to make catnip tea for cats?
Yes, catnip tea is generally safe for cats, but moderation is key.  Too much can cause an upset stomach.

Can I put catnip in my cat's water?
Yes, you can, but it's not the most effective way.  Steeping catnip in hot water releases the oils that cats react to.

What does boiling catnip do to cats?
Boiling catnip destroys the oils that cause the reaction in cats.  Don't boil it.

Does catnip have any negative effects on cats?
In very rare cases, excessive catnip can cause an upset stomach.  It's not addictive and wears off quickly.

How long to boil catnip in water?
Don't boil catnip! Use hot water, steep it, and let it cool before offering it to your cat.

Does catnip reduce anxiety in cats?
For some cats, catnip can be stimulating, but for others, it has a calming effect.  It depends on the cat.

What smell relaxes cats?
Some cats find the smell of catnip relaxing, while others find it stimulating.  Other calming scents for cats include lavender and valerian root (consult your vet before using).

Can I give my cat catnip every day?
It's generally fine, but some experts recommend limiting it to a few times a week to maintain its effectiveness.

What is a natural sedative for cats?
Consult your veterinarian before using any natural sedative. Some options might include calming pheromones or supplements, but proper dosage is crucial.

Are cats supposed to eat catnip or just smell it?
Both! Cats can eat and smell catnip.

What happens if a cat has too much catnip?
Too much catnip can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or disorientation.  It's temporary and harmless, but monitor your cat.

How much catnip tea to give a cat?
There's no standard amount. Make a weak tea using a small amount of catnip and let your cat sniff or lap it.

What calms cats down at night?
Provide a quiet space, routine playtime before bed, and consider pheromone diffusers (consult your vet).

What do cats do when high on catnip?
They may roll around, meow excessively, or exhibit playful behavior.

How to use catnip to calm cats?
Not all cats respond to catnip. If yours does, a catnip toy or a small amount of tea can be calming for some.

How to give catnip to a cat?
Offer a catnip toy, sprinkle dried catnip on a scratching post, or make catnip tea (let it cool!).

