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Colorful Flowering Herbs to Transform Your Landscape

I will be the gladdest thing Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one. --Edna St. Vincent Millay If you love flowers and herbs, we have some great suggestions for your garden this year.  Bright blooms in beautiful colors, bold and delicate fragrances, and plants with culinary and medicinal properties as well as crafting potential are part of our list of flowering herbs. They represent some of the most popular and useful plants available for the backyard garden. When space is limited, herbs give great value, and when space is abundant, they can provide that sense of bounty and possibility that is so wonderful about a classic cottage garden.  Don't be shy about trying new flowering herbs, or using old favorites in new ways. Did you realize dill flowers look beautiful in garden bouquets, or that it's easy to harvest rose hips from your roses? Be bold this season, and make herbs the focus of your flower patch. Pollinators will flock to your garden, and birds w

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