Iced Green Tea with Mint and Ginger

If you've ever limped through a hot, humid day lusting for a cool and really refreshing drink, this is the one. Green tea is full of antioxidants and ginger is a great restorative. Both mint and ginger are good for an unsettled stomach too. This is my tea of choice from the beginning of July through the end of August.

When you make it, be prepared to fight for what's left in the pitcher. It's that tasty.

Refreshing Iced Green Tea Recipe

*8 Green Tea Bags
1/4 Cup Thinly sliced fresh ginger (You can leave the skin on.)
20 Mint leaves, bruised or torn
8 Cups boiling water
Lemon slice

  • Combine tea bags, mint, and ginger in a non-reactive pot (ceramic or glass would be great).
  • Pour boiling water over herbs and tea. Let steep for ten minutes. Strain.
  • Allow the liquid to cool to room temperature.
  • Pour over crushed ice.
  • Serve with a slice of lemon.

*If you are using a quality loose green tea, start with three tablespoons. Save the grounds and reuse them to make two batches of iced green tea in a day. You can employ an infuser, add the tea to simple drawstring muslin bag, or make a pouch with string and a length of muslin or cheesecloth.


  1. Oh My! Does this ever sound inviting. I am glad to see that when you say tea bags, you are talking high quality loose leaf tea bags. So much better!

  2. Another fantastic recipe. This one I must try! Val

  3. Ladies,

    If you have some ginger root left over from making tea, you can plant it in the garden for your own personal stash of fresh ginger next season. It makes a nice potted plant indoors or out.



  4. hmmm,
    how about make ice cream combine with another taste like bananas so green tea taste can be eliminated


    Green Tea


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