Parsley of Old – My Old Anyway
Parsley Facts
Parsley was also the first herb that I came across that was biennial. It has a two-year life cycle, setting seed in spring of the second year the way an annual would set seed in the summer or fall of the first year. Parsley makes a good indoor plant if you can give it enough light.
Parsley Seeds
Parsley has small seeds that can be hard to get to germinate. Before you plant them out, try soaking them for a few hours in hot water. Once planted, keep them warm.
Drying Parsley
I have used parsley in herb wreaths, but I have never been satisfied with its color or texture as a decorative herb, so I dry most of my fall crop in a dehydrator, grinding it to give away in Christmas herb blends, the rest I keep in the ground for next year’s seed.
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