Are You Looking Forward to Your Seed Catalogs Yet?

Free Seed Catalogs
If you aren't signed up for all of the seed catalogs you want this year, has a listing of great free catalogs you can request: Free Seed Catalogs
For free herb catalogs go to my updated catalog post: Herb Catalogs
I have some Amazon links to seed starter kits at the bottom of this post. I'm a real softy when it comes to little pots and enclosures, so I usually by at least a couple each season, as well as saving egg shells and egg cartons (the old fashioned approach). Yes, I also use peat pots from the local garden store, but the prepared kits get me in the mood for spring, and for filling every lighted space in my house with seedlings.
Let me know if you are aware of a good web seed exchange. I know that I'll have some seeds to share.
The Cook's Garden folks were nice enough to send me an advance copy of their catalog. Check out their small bush "Pistou" basil on page 3. I also like some of their variety seed packs. If you would like to request your own catalog, visit them at: They're nice people.
my florist in Puyallup is eagerly awaiting to leaf through his catalogues too.