Thanksgiving Planning Tips from the Herb Gardener

Thanksgiving is a special time, but getting ready for the big day can be a hassle. We cooking mavens are notorious for biting off more than we -- and others -- can chew, which means turkey day marathons, lots of leftovers, and plenty of prep and cleanup. Along with the very nice recipe for spicy pumpkin pie from my last post, I have compiled a list of articles that will help make Thanksgiving more fun and foolproof.

If you've been visiting my blog for a while, you probably know that I also write for a number of Discovery Channel websites like, and I've written quite a bit of food content for TLC that can make Thanksgiving meal prep easier. If you like herbs, enjoy cooking and adore the holidays, we have a number of things in common. These suggestions are my personal cheat sheets for the challenges ahead. Consider them my way of encouraging a few chuckles and helping you triumph over one of the biggest cooking days of the year:

10 Tips for Thanksgiving Newbies 

How to Cook the Perfect Turkey

Scrumptious Thanksgiving Tablescapes

Which Holiday Food Is the Worst for My Body?

Perfect Homemade Eggnog

5 Autumn Apples (pick one for pie)

Apple Cider 101

10 Reasons Why You Should Keep a Clean Kitchen (no insult intended - there are just some really good tips here)

Spicy Pumpkin Pie Recipe 

Photo 2: By TheKohser (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
