Thoughts on a Sunday Garden

If you garden, or just like garden plants, Sundays have a particular appeal. After the paper, church, the cartoons, or your favorite hangover treatment, the greenery starts to beckon you outdoors. It's a special, dreamy time that's part chores and part fantasy.

Here's stretches your garden, full of seedlings, weeds and encroaching bugs you have to deal with, and in your mind exists your fully grown, luxuriant garden, complete with features you probably won't get around to adding . . .this year anyway. It's a nice time to reflect on your perfect garden while removing stones from the one you have today. In the garden of my imagination, I have a koi pond, but that's a story for another post.

Straw Bale Garden

I'm getting a straw bale garden underway with 50 new bales. I should have lots to report in no time. I have some very sweet marjoram, heirloom tomatoes, mixed sunflowers, short season artichokes, specialty basil and heat tolerant lettuce varieties as well as some new and lively lime balm, mock ginger and lime geranium to experiment with.

I found these articles (and posts) while surfing. If you've lamented the high cost of water or tea, or the limited space in your container garden, they should appeal to you. There's a nifty post from Comfrey Cottages about removing splinters with a salve made from pine sap (with nice photos). I've also included an entry on educating your inner farmer if you live in the city. It's a great intro for newbies.

Enjoy your Sunday (or Saturday afternoon).


All About Wells

Don't Let Container Gardening Box You In

Pine Salve

If you're a tea drinker, having your own tea plants on hand can be an interesting and convenient way to stay supplied. The traditional tea plant is a variety of camellia. You can find my post on it here: Growing Tea Plant
