Make Your Own Lemon Balm Hair Rinse

Where mass produced hair rinses can contain waxes that build up on your hair, or chemical stabilizers to prolong its shelf life, homemade hair rinse leaves the unnecessary chemicals behind, giving your overworked hair some needed relief from the stress of modern life.
You can make up a batch in minutes and keep it in the fridge. When you are ready to use it, warm it to room temperature in the microwave.
Lemon balm and camomile blend to make a wonderfully refreshing fragrance. They are naturally clean and sweet smell, and their fragrance lingers to help relax you.
Lemon Balm Herbal Hair Rinse Recipe
1 cup of beer
2 cups of water
1 teaspoon of vinegar
1 tablespoon of Fresh Lemon Balm (1 teaspoon dried)
1 tablespoon of Fresh camomile flowers (1 teaspoon dried)
To Prepare
Steep lemon balm and camomile in boiling water for fifteen minutes in a non-reactive container. Add vinegar and let cool. Refrigerate. Open beer and allow to go flat. Refrigerate. Do not combine herb mixture with beer.
To Use
Warm both the beer and the herb mixture to room temperature in the microwave. After washing your hair, apply the beer and work it in with a kneading motion. Make sure that all of your hair has been saturated and you've worked your whole scalp until it tingles. Rinse completely.
Apply the herb rinse and repeat the process. Rinse.
I use fresh lemon balm and dried camomile, and can usually get two applications from this recipe. To make the process easier, I have two squirt bottles that I press into service. Before I found some attractive plastic bottles, I used recycled, plastic, mustard containers.
Herbs to Lighten or Darken Hair
There are any number of herbal combinations you can use for rinses. Adding rosemary will darken hair slightly, while lemon juice will lighten it, and marigold will bring out the highlights in auburn hair. I'll provide more detail in subsequent posts, I'm sure. For now, I wanted to give you a basic rinse recipe that smelled good and did good things for your hair.
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