Get Rid of Japanese Beetles

I read a number of discouraging articles about how difficult it is to get rid of them. I also tried looking at commercially available traps, only to read about the hazards they present to pets, and how they have to be kept cleaned out (ugh). I even read that the traps can attract more beetles than they repel.
After some head scratching and frustration, I was in a garden shop one day looking at stepping stones of all things, when I struck up a conversation with a fellow gardener (really, the best people anywhere) who offered a great suggestion for eradicating them for the season. The trick is to catch them early and use their own scent signalling system against them. I've tried it for the last two summers, and it has worked great! Really. I've had a 90% drop in Japanese beetle activity in my garden.
I wrote a entry about it in my general gardening blog and also created a detailed article; take a look:
Dealing With Japanese Beetles
Get Rid of Japanese Beetles
A more simple method is to place the electric light bulbs in and around the rose plants as they do not sit on the leaves in light. Besides in the evening one should spray with neemazole with added a little bit of soap on the underneath of the leaves