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Companion Planting Herbs

Companion planting roses, garlic rue If you've been playing around with the idea of companion planting herbs, I have a few ideas for you. Herbs Make Effective Companion Plants  -  Here's Why: Herbs are easy to grow, and most varieties will adapt to the soil that's available. They typically do not require heavy feeding or much maintenance.  In fact, many herbs are considered weeds in their native habitats or where they've been naturalized. Why are so many herbs good companion plant candidates? Most of the herbs used in companion planting pairs are very fragrant, have strong flavor or contain volatile compounds.  Some common herbs, like garlic, can also protect against a number of different insects.  If you can't identify the culprit eating your plants, or you're dealing with more than one variety, a well-chosen herb planted near your flower bed or vegetable patch can ward off "mystery bug" plant poachers. Also, you may be planting some garlic (with

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